Accueil > Articles in English > GAZA : IRAN LOST THE WAR
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GAZA : IRAN LOST THE WAR 10.01.2009 © IRAN-RESIST.ORG – Jan 10 2009 | Khamenei, the supreme guide of the mullahs’ regime, declared that he couldn’t allow some 70,000 volunteers to cross his borders and lead operations in Israel. Here is some news that is very ridiculous because those volunteers had anyway no possibility to reach their destination and Gaza is accessible only through Egypt or Israel, two countries that have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Since the beginning of the conflict, the regime has multiplied the promises of intervention, of back up sending with the hope to provoke the spark that would set the region ablaze. After it miserably failed with such efforts and in order to conceal its failure to set the region ablaze, it implied via its lobbyists that it never had any intention to set the Middle-East ablaze. This an essential point for the regime because it uses a permanent blackmail against the West by mentioning its enormous nuisance capacity. Contrary to what is claimed by several analysts such as Aymeric Chauprade, this offensive was not an Israeli war against Iran, or its supposed nuclear strength to come, but an American war against the reputation of the mullahs’ regional nuisance, its capacity to set the region ablaze. As we already explained it in an analysis dedicated to the tactical options of the mullahs, there was only one option : no stand back. But firstly it didn’t know how make progress by setting ablaze the region and secondly it just stepped back twice in a row. This war was a trap set for the mullahs and maybe for the Israelis by Carter (who is on a mission for the Brzezinski, Obama’s diplomatic guru [1]). Teheran already lost this war. Logically, as it is at present threatened, the regime went back to a withdrawal strategy in order to keep up appearances. Every fantasy is stopped and the diplomatic passiveness of the Arabic countries is criticized so that they help the regime to make Israel back up preventing the Hamas and Teheran from facing the affront of another back up, another defeat. Actually the regime accepted the fact that its spiritual leader appeared ridiculous in order to not lose everything. © WWW.IRAN-RESIST.ORG
| Mots Clefs | Enjeux : Rôle régional de l’Iran | | Mots Clefs | Enjeux : Option militaire | | Mots Clefs | Terrorismes : HAMAS | | Mots Clefs | Zone géopolitique / Sphère d’influence : Israël | [1] According to an information disclosed by an Irani opponent, the truce has been broken after a 5 hours meeting between Jimmy Carter and Khaled Mechaal on mid-December in Damas. During this meeting,Carter assured his interlocutor that he was free from aggravating the situation because in this period of presidential transition, Bush wouldn’t support any Israeli intervention. |