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Iran and the West : BBC’s false allegations

© IRAN-RESIST.ORG – Feb 2, 2009 | According to the French media, the documentary “Iran and the West ” that will be aired tonight on the French channel France 3 is a moment of truth and veracity. We watched it in its original version [1] on YouTube, and we think the contrary : All the facts are reversed, and the chronology shuffled to permit this manipulation in which the Islamic Revolution, Khomeini and even Ahmadinejad are given a new virginity !

For the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, following ARTE, France 3 will air the first part of a British documentary titled “Iran and the West ”. According to the film’s press presentation this film is the work of Delphine Jaudeau, an unknown film director. The producers Brian Lapping and Norma Percy have called upon her because they felt that as British citizens they would not have been able to have a free dialogue with the Mullahs, the British having a bad reputation in Iran. A false affirmation, since the version presented, would have been the same if the Islamic Republic had made the film for their own propaganda purposes !

The role played by Delphine Jaudeau is a decoy in order to soothe the French public and make them believe that it shows reality. It is not the case, for this documentary is yet again a new attempt in the rehabilitation of the mullacratic regime, to ease the normalization of diplomatic relations with them.

In order to make the Mullahs’ regime acceptable, nothing works better than a good bashing of the “Shah’s dictatorship”. Once again, they pull out the same false rumours spread by those who made the revolution, despite the fact that most of these participants have since admitted that they were false and used to ensure the success of their revolutionary endeavour. The documentary does not interview them, even though easy to access, since most have been exiled since and living abroad and very willing to get some publicity.

Prince Reza Pahlavi, the son of the late Shah, recently published a book about Iran and his efforts to unite the exiled in order to help the people of Iran combat the Islamic regime. Reza Pahlavi writes about his father’s ex-dissidents (most of them engaged amongst armed Marxist groups backed by the Soviet Union, China or Islamic or Arab funds, hoping to tilt Iran into chaos) who later confided in him that they all regret his tolerance for his opponents not engaged in armed combats. During the reign of the Shah, Iran was in permanent combat with fierce factions who refused all compromise, factions whom once in power massacred two groups in priority : the military personnel who defended their nation against these foreign and Marxist groups, and leftists who were working with regime at key posts in the communication and conception of a new ruling order. These young socialists proposed to the Shah to dissolve all political parties and create (“Rastakhiz” or resurrection) a unique party with different influences (conservatives, reformists, and centrists), and once this unique party would disunite it would re-boost Iranian politics. This project is still held in contempt by the reformed revolutionaries in Reza Pahlavi’s entourage. It is shameful that we should be the only ones to remind you of the political situation in Iran in the 70s, and to confirm that contrary to popular belief Iran under the Shah’s reign was neither a dictatorial regime nor an enlightened despotism, but, a nation in which young socialists were able to participate in its politics and design its future. Never do we see a documentary on this unique historic fact, a joint exercise of power between a modern and secular monarchy and extreme-leftist groups but extremely attached to Iran. On the contrary, everything is done to erase this episode from history in order to put into light those who refused to adhere to this project and allied themselves to Khomeini instead, a reactionary Mullah opposed to all reform.

The BBC documentary does this extremely well by retracing the 40 years of the dictatorship [2] of a monarch who stayed only in power with the collaboration of his political “police”, “his army”, and a small group of leaches who pocketed the petro-dollars. A very unflattering portrait of the Shah and his allied leftist forces engaged in making Iran a pacified and engaged nation. This Iran bothered, and was eliminated by all those opposed to this project : Americans, but also the Soviets, and some European countries wishing to see vanished these patriots who bugged them immensely. Their decisions focalised solely on the obstinate refusal by the Shah to renew the Treaty of August 6, 1954, bonding Iran to a petrol consortium composed by Americans, British, French and Dutch. In this project, the Shah could have counted on the full support of Iranian population, but well before August 6, 1979, the Shah had lost power. The Americans decided to help an Islamic regime accede to power to create a Green Belt (Islamic) from Turkey to Pakistan in order to destabilize south USSR and western China. The US pulled out Khomeini, an old British agent, and surrounding him with “intellectuals” like Ibrahim Yazdi, Bani-Sadr, and Sazgara, hoping to control the clergy and use them to push into power their own candidates void of charm and eloquence. The three companions participated in this documentary.

This fact is never shown in the documentaries on the Islamic revolution. On the contrary, efforts are made to mask the connections between Washington and its allies and Khomeini and his entourage. “Iran and the West” does exactly the same by interviewing members of Carter’s administration who all play innocent by affirming that they were taken by surprise !

The roles were well distributed amongst the administration : Cyrus Vance says that he advised the Shah to respect human rights and organise free elections. Brzezinsky [3] says he on the contrary advised the Shah to suppress the revolt.

But their plans did not go through, for the Shah refused to open fire on protestors, and instead left the country in a move to bring back peace to the streets. But even this is reversed in the documentary. The images succeed in no chronological order : for example, excerpts of soldiers shooting back at revolutionaries in the last ten days prior to Khomeini’s victory (February 1 to 11 1979) are explained to be images from the supposed massacre by army in 1978 ! And to confirm the veracity of the images, they call on well a chosen witness : Admiral Habibolahi, a well known military hostile to the King and Monarchy, who collaborated for a certain time with the Mullahs’ regime. It is a dsgrace for France for to air this partial and slandering documentary.

Another historic truth reversed by this documentary : In January 1979, US General Robert Huyser, who had served in Iran, comes back to negotiate the neutrality of the Iranian army in the events. But the documentary instead adopts the Mullah’s propaganda version by affirming that he came to Iran to encourage the army to revolt against Khomeini !

Such a pro-regime piece of propaganda did not need to deceive the Mullah’s by sending a perfectly unknown film director, Delphine Jaudeau. One can ask oneself the question wether the Mullahs would have even accepted to be interviewed by such a novice ? No. Even more explicit is the fact that this film was aired on BBC last week, and not a single Iranian leader protested against its content.

This film corresponds to the expectations of Tehran, and is another concession towards the Mullahs. The makers of this documentary affirm that they are impartial : that the revolution was the doing of Iranians solely without the exterior help or funding ! Every Iranian knows that the western media gave an overt tribune to Khomeini, and that the Bazaar heavily funded his campaign. Khomeini and his entourage were gracefully housed and boarded by President Giscard d’Estaing and chaperoned by CIA agents [4] who had rented the house next to his. (One these agents is seen in the background of one the excerpts of the documentary.)

The documentary affirms that the west were guilty of supporting Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war. And following a poignant mea-culpa, the film recognizes “that the west acted badly with this regime who has been working for the past 30 years for the independence of Iran, making allusions that this regime should be respected and the west should seek its pardon !

Finally, to top it all, the film “confirms” that Khomeini was unaware of the plans concerning the US embassy’s hostage taking, and that Ahmadinejad was also against it. A double rehabilitation : Not only should we ask the regime’s pardon, but also make peace with Ahmadinejad, the regime’s most hateful personality.

Deciphering | This documentary, artfully put together with only non-British witnesses, recommends, in-fine, to all (the Americans) to ask the Mullah’s pardon and to accept a compromise with them.


The french version of this article :
- « L’Iran et l’Occident » : Les contrevérités de la BBC
- (-17 FÉVRIER 20)

All our articles in English...


| Mots Clefs | Histoire : Révolution Islamique |

| Mots Clefs | Auteurs & Textes : Journalistes et média Français |
| Mots Clefs | Pays : Europe (UE, UE3, union européenne) |

| Mots Clefs | Histoire : Brzezinski et Carter |
| Mots Clefs | Enjeux : Rétablir les rel. avec les USA & Négociations directes |

| Mots Clefs | Pays : Grande-Bretagne |

[1View the ORIGINAL VERSION of this documentary.

[2The documentary affirms that the reign lasted 40 years, however, The Shah reigned 37 years. In the first 13 years he did not govern, until 1954, the end of the Mossadegh ministry. This period has been well documented by Ali Mirfetros, a major Mossadegh specialist. For more details please refer to :
Elections in Iran : From Mossadegh to Ahmadinejad
| Mots Clefs | Histoire : Reza Shah Pahlavi |

[3This BBC documentary was filmed 6 months ago. On a more recent documentary aired by Arte, we can see Brzezinsky with a facial paralysis, sign of a cerbral stroke. This man is at the origin of the forming of the Talibans, a project he spunned but that he lost total control of. He also tried to impose Islamist Universities to Iran in order to create an Islamic state in an American scheme to destabilize the then Soviet controlled Central Asia and the Muslim West China. This project also derailed, for the Mullahs took power without returning the favour to the Americans. All of Brzezinsky’s projects were total fiascos.

Since he is presently semi-paralytic, we make propose to the Americans to either recycle him or to throw him and his projects to the bin in order to limit their collateral damage and initiate a new geopolitically sane project.

[4Khomeini’s coaches / in his book entitled, “Secret notes, fall and death of the Shah,” published by Editions Osmondes, Houchang Nahavandi explains how the CIA had their headquarters in a villa neighbouring Khomeini’s villa in France, and how they coached the aging Ayatollah’s entourage. Maurice Druon reported this same version in an article in the French paper Le Figaro, November 18, 2004.